Marginalizing Confusion With Maximized Confidence

Category: EdTech Inquiry

Group Inquiry Project Second Meeting

At our second meeting Janel and I narrowed in on who would dive deeper into what material.  Janel had researched some very interesting ideas dealing with assessment using video. One idea is that teachers could encourage students to create “how to” videos in order to assess what information they absorbed from a unit.  He also told me about how and english teacher could get students to critically analyze movie trailers.

I had done a lot of research on how to incorporate youtube through getting students to post educational content on the website. I found that this was not as easy as I had hoped. In fact if a teacher wanted to facilitate this as an activity they would need a lot of action taken by  parents as kids under the age of 13 need their youtube account to be maintained by a guardian.

So I moved on to research a variety of other ways video is used in the class. I found a number of ideas on how students can create video themselves and how teachers can use video to show creative, worldly content.

I am looking forward  to presenting our finding in our power point presentation.

Group Inquiry Project First Meeting

When Janel and I first met up to brainstorm we each brought some interesting ideas to the table. I was very interested in replacing some of the written text in language classes with video. I believe for many reasons video is much more captivating and interesting than reading text. I believe both mediums have their place but I feel that in order to add variety to the lesson, students should be introduced to a number of different outlets to absorb language lessons.  Janel was very interested in critically analyzing full length films and also using film as a tool for assessment.

During this meeting we decided we should not create a video ourselves, but instead create a slide show that would present information pertaining to ways in which ourselves and our classmates could incorporate video into their teaching practice. We created a new plan. I would would assess how video is currently being used and Janel would look at projections for how it would be used in the future. We began looking a resources and paying close attention to class discussions that involved video.

Group Inquiry Project

When Janel and I first decided to do our group inquiry project on video in the classroom I was very excited to practice my developing skills of creating video editing. We had a plan to go to the Victoria archives and document some of our findings while also explaining how we were creating the video. Thus it would be a video about making a video. Although that would have a been a fun adventure I feel that the purpose of this assignment would not have been addressed. So instead we decided to look at how video is being used in the classroom.

I was originally very interested in how youtube could  be used. I though that perhaps there was a way students could put content on youtube, preferably in a private fashion so that only the class could see it. My thinking was that this would inspire students to be responsible when creating videos.

We decided to meet and brainstorm how we would explore our inquiry