After playing around with Garage Band on my Mac for a while I have come to the conclusion that things would sound a lot better with a proper microphone. I feel as though the background is very empty and only the sharp sounds of my guitar are picked up.  I played around with the program trying to get it to focus on all the sounds of my guitar evenly but no matter what it seems to only focus on the high, sharp noises. It does not help that I am not very good at playing the song. But since taking my roommates advice the song sounds a lot better.

I am also running into a lot of difficulty uploading what I have just created on Garage Band to this blog post. I was hoping to add my recording on Garage band and compare the sound to what I recorded on my phone but I am unable to. I will continue practicing and continue adding other forms of recoding until I learn how to upload what I have done on Garage Band to this blog.